Admissions About our Educational Counseling Agency in Marrakech

ADMISSIONS is an Educational Counseling Agency based in Marrakech since 2015.

We provide guidance to students who intend to study abroad at all levels of their project.

Looking for the best bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, doctorate programs ? Searching for interesting language courses? we help you choose:

  • The most suitable institution for you: universities, colleges, institutes of higher learning, etc.
  • The ideal destination: France, Canada, China, Turkey, Spain, Poland, Cyprus, etc.

And that’s not all! We can also support you in your visa procedures, scholarships applications and enrollment in the foreign higher education institution of your choice.

Conseil et d'orientation études à l'étranger
Orientation études à l'étranger
Admissions Bureau De Consulting Etudiants About3

AdmissionsOur services

We are at your disposal to guide you towards ambitious educational paths. Whatever your destination, we will provide you with the best solutions and ensure you receive the best possible support

Study Abroad Guidance

Would you like to study abroad? Our orientation consulting firm can help you:

Identify the most appropriate higher education institution: universities, engineering schools, business schools, higher education institutes, etc.

Help you choose the ideal destination: China, France, Spain, Italy, South Korea, Cyprus, Canada ….

Scholarship Application

Do you need help in obtaining a scholarship to study abroad? Our Educational Counseling Agency in Marrakech informs you about all available scholarships in the field that interests you. We help you prepare your application to obtain a scholarship from internationally recognized universities.

Summer camp

We put our expertise at the service of parents who wish to offer their children a Summer Camp experience. This way, they can combine learning with leisure. Indeed, these summer camps allow them to learn foreign languages, practice sports, etc., while making new contacts in a playful atmosphere.


Send us your application to a university abroad or to any foreign higher education institution. Simply fill out the form below. We will review your application and provide you with a personalized follow-up during all the steps. We will also assist you in the preparation of your scholarship application.

AdmissionsOur Partners

Our Educational Counseling Agency works with many foreign institutions known for the quality of their teaching: universities, schools and colleges in France, Canada, Spain, Italy,

AdmissionsOur students

We are proud of the success of the students we help every year. Indeed, many candidates have succeeded in getting into the best foreign schools thanks to our ADMISSIONS agency.

TestimonialsWhat our students say

Thanks to our network of partners, we do our utmost to bring complete satisfaction to our candidates. Discover their opinion.


AdmissionsContact us

Do you want to make your dream of studying abroad come true, in the institution of your choice? Call on the expertise of our Educational Counseling Agency in Marrakech.

Contact Informations

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